
David Eckman, Ph.D



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David Eckman Ph.D. has been a pastor for 16 years followed by 7 years as a Dean and Executive Vice-President for Western Seminary. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Master of Theology, Master of Divinity, and Doctor of Philosophy in Hebrew Studies and Old Testament.

David Eckman is an author of numerous books and an international speaker and educator. He is also a contributor to others books such as the New King James Study Bible.

David grew up in a dysfunctional family. He found emotional freedom when he finally experienced how God truly loved him. In 1997 he co-founded BWGI Ministries, which fosters spiritual transformation through helping people understand who they are in Christ.

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大衛·艾克曼來自於一個失能型不健康家庭。當他最終經歷父神的真實之愛後,他獲得了情感上的真自由。他層在美國西部神學院(Western Seminary)從事多年的廣泛教學、門訓和輔導。1997年10月15日,他與人共同創辦了成為合神心意事工(BWGI),旨在幫助人們了解他們在基督裡的身份,以促進靈命轉變。

Gayle E.


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Gayle E. was born in San Francisco and lived in California all her life. She graduated from SF State University with a B.A. in Biological Sciences and from the University of SF for her M.B.A. in Management & Marketing. She began her career at the largest Bioscience company in the world, ThermoFisher. Gayle worked there for almost 20 years as a Business Manager for the Services & Support Division in North America.

Gayle grew up in a Christian home and attended church all her life. She dedicated her free time serving in church ministries for 14 years, but it was only after taking Dr. Eckman’s Becoming What God Intended course at Western Seminary that she encountered the truth that she had been searching for all her life. Not wanting anyone else to have to wait as she did, she dedicated her time to volunteering with BWGI Ministries since 2009. In 2017, she left her career to follow God and serve BWGI Ministries full time as the Executive Director.

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Gayle出生在舊金山,在加州長大。她畢業與舊金山州立大學,獲得生物學學士學位,後來在舊金山大學獲得管理與營銷MBA碩士學位。她曾就職於世界最大生物公司ThermoFisher,前身稱為應用生物系統(Applied Biosystems),工作近20年,擔任過北美服務與支持部門的業務經理職務。

Gayle生長在一個基督徒家庭,一直參加教會活動,成人後利用自己空暇時間服事教會14年。後來在西部神學院(Western Seminary)讀研究生時選修了艾克曼博士成為合神心意的課程,她發現了她一直在尋找的真理。為了祝福他人、不願他人像她那樣等待,她從2009年起開始在BWGI機構做義工。2017年,她回應神對她的呼召,辭去工作崗位,全時間擔任了BWGI事工的行政管理主任。

jijian SIMON


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Jijian was born and grown up in Shandong Province, mainland China. She got her BA in China and came to US for her Master in International Relations in 1990. She is the 5th generation Chinese Christian. She and her husband and 3 children had lived in China for 15 years. Last year her family moved back to US and now lives in Southern Ca.

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Yvonne Yip



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Yvonne was born and raised in Hong Kong and Hawaii. She is the first Christian in her family and is blessed with a husband and 2 children. She is a CPA and BSF graduate serving at BWGI over 4 years as Accounting Manager.


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Megan tien


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Megan was born in Taiwan, but moved to Northern California at a very young age. She grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and went to college in Santa Barbara. There she graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara with a Bachelors in History and Minor in Art & Technology. Megan manages all facets of the Head to Heart Program. In her free time, she enjoys reading, playing guitar, drawing, and painting. She likes going to National Parks and hopes to visit more in the future.

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Megan出生在台灣,幼年隨父母移居北加州。她在三藩市灣區長大,後來去聖巴巴拉上大學(University of California, Santa Barbara)學習,主修歷史,輔修藝術和科技。Megan負責管理有關“從腦到心”門訓課程各個方面的工作。在空閒時間,Megan喜歡閱讀、彈吉他、繪畫等。她喜歡千姿百態的美國國家公園,希望將來領略更多國家公園風光。